


Stone Whisperer Newsletter

April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!

Respect Your Mother

Every day really is Earth Day. Without Mother Earth none of us would be here. So we should celebrate Her beauty, Her bounty, Her gifts, and Her wisdom every day. Because I practice an Earth based religion, it is something I am very conscious of. I am very aware of my (and society’s) impact on the Earth. Every day I pay Her respect. I treat all Her plants and animals with respect. I recycle everything I possibly can. I re-use whenever possible. I save electricity and don’t waste water. I even drive a Prius. All the “green” things we all need to do to live in harmony with the rest of Nature.

Our ancestors knew how to do this, without political maneuvering, without celebrity endorsements, without incentives. They did it because they realized Earth gives us life. We are all connected. We are all part of Mother Nature. All. No exceptions. Every animal, every plant, every rock, every environment, every cell, every atom. All are connected. The wise ones, elders, priestesses, shamans, witches, enlightened leaders, and medicine men of the ancient tribes and early societies, going all the way back to Prehistoric times and further (Atlantis & Lemuria, for example), knew this and taught these spiritual traditions to their people.

I am one of the many people living now who remembers this wisdom. And I am certainly not alone. There are many wonderful, enlightened, powerful people (my dearest friends are included in this honored group) full of inspirational ideas and limitless energy here to help us all take care of Mother Earth. Each person has a great gift to share; each is unique; each is blessed. And each one can make a huge difference, more than we may realize at first. When these remarkable people share their magickal & healing gifts with others, the world’s consciousness shifts to a higher level. We evolve, become more spiritual in nature, become more connected. We want to share it with anyone who will listen.

It is knowledge, and a way of life that cannot be forgotten. Especially as we grow ever more technologically advanced, we must be wary not to go to far, lest we create something which we cannot fully control. It is more important now than ever to live in harmony with Nature, and to respect the Goddess of the Earth as well as of the Heavens. To respect Her is to respect the Divine in each of us, in yourself, and in your fellow beings – the 4 legged ones, the flying ones, the swimming ones, the plant people, the stone people, all that is on Earth. If we truly believed and practiced this - what a truly peaceful and beautiful world this would be. That is the world I want to live in. Don’t you…?

Blessings to all!

Hug A Tree

I can’t take credit for this one. I have read this exercise or variations on it in numerous books and online. Honestly I don’t know who originally came up with this; it probably dates back millennia and has taken on different forms and versions throughout history. And there is a reason it is in our Universal Consciousness --- it is powerful, healing, and really cool!

Visit a place where there are lots of trees. (Duh!) Survey the area and while you look at what is around you, stay conscious of your breathing. Slow it down a bit and inhale deeply. Notice the aromas around you. Start to walk around this place and be conscious of your steps. Slow them down and look down at the ground while you walk. Look at what is on the ground and appreciate it for its beauty. If you want, remove your shoes. Become conscious of the sounds around you, any animals you hear, the wind rustling, noises from a street nearby, perhaps. Become conscious of anything you might taste. Does the air taste crisp and cool? Is it raining? What does the rain taste like? What you’re doing is training your senses to become more aware of Nature, and to become more present in the moment. It can be very meditative and calming.

Find a tree that you like. It can be any kind of tree at all. As long as you like it and want to get to know it better. Approach the tree, still being aware of your senses and taking your time to observe. You may want to greet the tree, say something to it, bow to it, whatever. Don’t worry if you feel silly. The tree won’t laugh at you. :) Touch the bark of the tree, touch the leaves or needles, if it has flowers or fruit smell them, are you in a grove of pine-scented air?, are there any animals that have made their homes in or around the tree?, examine a flower or a leaf on the tree, notice in as much detail as you can everything about this tree. Sit down against the trunk and look at where the tree meets the Earth. Can you see any roots exposed? What does the ground around it feel like?

Take as much time as you wish to enjoy the tree’s presence with all your senses, including your psychic sense. You may already be picking up on the subtle energies of the tree.

When you are ready stand up and actually hug the tree. Lean up against it with your chest against the trunk and wrap your arms around it. It may sound goofy, but I have done this and it feels wonderful. Especially after you have been concentrating on your breath and getting into an altered state of consciousness just by doing the things I mentioned above. What can you sense form this tree? You will undoubtedly feel some kind of energy from the tree. Is it powerful and intense, or calm and subtle, or whizzing and energinzing, soft & spiraling & feminine, or strong & vertical & masculine? There are so many different types of energies you may feel from trees. Some trees do tend to be more feminine or masculine in nature; some are androgynous. Some will immediately feel healing and nurturing, and others will almost knock you down with their vibrant energy. Allow yourself to feel and appreciate the energy of the tree.

Notice your breathing again. Has it changed at all? Is it faster or slower than it was before? Can you feel yourself breathing at the same rate of the tree? Yes, you can feel them breathe. And often, without even realizing it, your breath comes into harmony with the tree’s. Trees also have heartbeats. Don’t be surprised if you feel the pulsing heart of the tree. Again, you may experience your heartbeat coming into synch with the tree’s. For those people who really enjoy the tree’s energy, they may want to do healing work with the tree now, or align their chakras at this time, or enter a deeper mediation now, or they may choose to sit quietly next to the tree and receive inspiration. You may hear the voice of the tree; it may give you a message. A question you have had in the back of your mind may suddenly be answered. You might get a great new idea. This is the tree talking to you and helping you. You may want to draw a picture of your tree, write a poem about it, sing a song to it, dance around it, take a photograph, or try to identify its species.

When you are finished experiencing the energy of the tree, remember to thank it for its presence and assistance. I suggest giving the tree some water or leaving another type of offering to it. Mindfully ground yourself again with your physical body to emerge from the meditative state.

Do this type of “waking meditation” with trees often. You may want to revisit the same tree again and again. You may want to experience the energies of many different trees. Often people find a particular type of tree they feel affection for of enjoy. Sometimes a certain type of tree becomes a totem for a person, or represents their personal World Tree or Tree of Life. I have a mini-pantheon of 7 trees that are my favorites. They represent different thing to me, and each one has its own unique magickal properties, healing abilities, and symbolism. I am constantly drawn to these 7 species of trees. But when I feel the time is right, or I encounter a new type of tree I want to learn about, this is a good technique to use to get in touch with its energies.

A few books you may want to check out with variations of this exercise and other cool stuff:

NatureSpeak by Ted Andrews (plant correspondences, archetypes, seasonal rites & rituals, magickal properties of trees & herbs)

The Healing Energies of Trees by Patrice Bouchardon (great meditations & healing exercises)

Earth Power by Scott Cunningham (all kinds of nature & elemental magick)

Heal the Earth Ritual

Last week I did a meditation called “A Journey to the Earth Mother”. I cast my magick Circle with a large crystal point, and included some crystals inside the Circle. As well as reacquainting myself with the Earth Mother, and receiving a message from the Goddess, I also wanted to get in touch with what these particular crystals wanted to teach me. I knew I wanted to send out a special edition newsletter for Earth Day, and I asked the Crystal People for some guidance. I was inspired to write this Earth Day ritual.

Plants communicate with each other through energy and though their roots systems. We will use this knowledge in our ritual. This ritual will be of particular interest to gardeners, nature magicians, and other Earth healers.

The best time to do this ritual is on a “planting day”, right before you actually plant the tree or flower. (You can find out when the best days are to plant and harvest in magical, astrological, farmer’s almanacs; and info is also online. Check out this site: Farmer's Almanac - Planting Days) Do this ritual on a “planting day” a few days after a New Moon, when the Moon is waxing to Full. These energies are productive, good for creation and manifestation magick, and helping things to grow. (Energies of a waning Moon, which occurs after a Full Moon, are better suited to banishing, cleansing, and magick where you are getting rid of something.) I know it’s extra cool and mystical to do magick at night, however for this, try to do it during the day, even outside under the sun; that would be ideal.

This ritual will be at its most effective when done within a magick Circle. But if you do not cast, then you may adapt it as you see fit. It can also be changed to suit more than one person if you are doing it as a group.

You will need:
1 live plant, flower, or tree that you plan to plant outside in a private garden or public space, like a park. 2 pieces of Quartz (to amplify the energy), 1 Amethyst (for Divine healing), 1 Moss Agate (for growth, strength, nurtures plant life). Inexpensive tumbled stones will work fine. Choose ones that you find pretty or that resonate well with your energy as you hold them.

Cleanse your 4 stones (see my newsletter about cleansing crystals for tips),cleanse yourself & your ritual area. Create your sacred space, represent the 4 Elements, and cast your Circle as you would normally do.

Invite the Goddess to join you in your ritual. Thank Her for Her presence and help with your ritual. If you feel it necessary to call upon any other benevolent spirit guides to assist your magickal work, you may do so now. Thank them in advance for Their presence and help.

Place the plant in front of you, either on your altar if it is small enough, or on the ground if it is too large. Place the 4 stones in a square around the plant, with the Quartz crystals in opposite corners of each other, then the Amethyst and Moss Agate in the remaining corners. You have just created an empowering grid with the stones. The square is a good shape for this type of grid, as it represents stability, strength, the 4 corners of the Earth, and is one of the symbols for the Earth element.

Click to enlarge


First you will awaken & empower the Amethyst. Reach your arms up to the Heavens and create a “cup” with your hands. Envision a vibrant golden and purple light flowing down from the sky & into your hands. Once you feel the energy is strong enough, place your hands over the Amethyst and “pour” the healing light you’ve collected into the crystal. Feel it fully fill the Amethyst with pure healing power from the Goddess. State: “I dedicate this stone for Divine healing of Mother Earth.”

Next awaken & empower the Moss Agate. Hold your arms down to the ground, again cupping your hands, this time the opening of the “cup” faces the ground. Envision a vibrant silver and green light coming up from the Earth & into your hands. Once you feel the energy is strong enough, place your hands over the Moss Agate and “pour” the strengthening light you’ve collected into the stone. Feel it fully fill the Moss Agate with strengthening power from the Goddess. State: “I dedicate this stone for strength, growth, and nurturing of Mother Earth.”

Lastly take each of the 2 Quartz crystals in your hands. Gently blow on them, breathing into them energy. Their natural powerful energies will amplify the power of the other 2 stones. And your added “breath of life” has awakened the power within them. State: “These stones are empowered for the highest good.” Place the Quartzes back in the grid.

Encircle your arms around the plant and stones, almost as if you are embracing it. You can get down on the ground to do this if necessary or remain standing, whichever feels most comfortable to you. Focus your eyes and attention on the plant. Start at the top of the plant, noticing the beauty and form of the leaves, stems, flowers (if any), then follow the stem, or trunk if your plant is a tree, to the base. Look at the soil it is planted in, and think of the vast amount of soil and land it will have when it is planted in the ground outside. Imagine what the roots of this plant must look like; see beyond the soil, through it, and to the roots of the plant. Envision the energy with which you’ve just empowered the stones, seeping out of the stones, traveling through the soil, and into the roots of the plant. As this happens the roots grow, become stronger and stronger. Continue to do this until the energy around the plant feels powerful, strong, steady, and consistent.

Recite this spell as you send the energy:

With healing and strength, this plant I do empower;
May it send its gifts to each tree, plant, and flower.

After you have completed the magick you may need to bring your own energy back down and become grounded again if you feel at all “spacey”. However, you may actually feel quite balanced because you’ve just worked with the energies from above and below. Thank the Goddess (and any other beings who have helped you) for Her Divine presence and guidance in your ritual. Bring your Circle to a close as you usually do, and end your ritual.

You can leave the plant inside the stone grid overnight if you wish. After the ritual is done give your plant a new home outside. As you plant it, think of your ritual. Focus again on the power within the stones and place them in the same grid around your healing plant. You may place them on top of the soil or bury them under the soil. Either way is fine. Either way is effective. As it rains outside the soil will move and settle, and your stones will most likely embed within the soil over time anyway. If you do leave the stones on the top of the soil, remember do not remove the stone grid at a future date. If a stone is moved or buried or even blown away by Nature, let it happen. This is Mother Nature placing the empowered stones where they will be most effective. She is using the gift you have given to Her plants and trees.

When you plant this plant outside, as it grows its roots will reach deep into the Earth and touch the roots of other plants, trees, grass, and flowers. As is grows it spreads the healing and strengthening energy to other plants through its roots. The energy moves through the soil and through the water in the soil when it rains to nourish, heal, and strengthen all the other plants around it. These plants then send the energy to their neighbors, and so on, and so on. By the power of the Goddess’ healing & strength from above & below, plus your crystal grid, you have created a network of energetic healing that will help Earth’s plants to grow steady, strong, healthy, and beautiful.

You have just helped to heal Mother Earth.

I thank the Earth Mother for letting me deliver this healing ritual to the Earth.



Giving Back

One of the most important things I do to honor the Earth is to always give thanks for the blessings She provides. This may be in the form of an offering to the Goddess and God for the guidance and abundance They bring into my life. It may be sending healing energy to a tree or plant or animal. It may be saying a prayer of thanks for the food I eat to Mother Earth, and the life She gives me. After working with a particular aspect of the Goddess in ritual I always give some type of thanks for Her help.

I do a gratitude offering at least once every Full Moon. Being a Cancer, I resonate very well with the Full Moon energies. This feels like the right time for me to offer my thanks, when the lunar energy is al its fullest. That’s just me...

A “thank you” can be as simple as pouring a libation outside to nourish the Earth, offering part of a meal to the Goddess, leaving food out for wild animals and birds in winter, planting a tree in your neighborhood, volunteering for an animal shelter, donating clothes and food to the needy. It is something that helps another living being and is given in honor of the Goddess/God.

Good things to offer include: water, milk, honey, salt, fruit, grain, corn, tobacco, seeds (like birdseed or planting a seed), a crystal, a coin; a drawing of a power symbol in the sand, dirt, or snow; loving energy, a dance or song to the Goddess/God, a poem, a charitable donation in your community, a prayer, a hug for a friend or for a tree! As long as it is given with love and respect, with a full heart, and a generous spirit.

Giving thanks comes in endless forms. And this good will always comes back to the giver three-fold. The Goddess blesses us, we honor the Goddess, She sends us blessings, we give thanks...etc... And so it continues in an energetic circle of blessings and love, of giving and receiving.

This is part of living in harmony with Nature. Take only what you need. Give thanks for you receive. Give with a full heart, and receive with a full heart. And your blessings will surely multiply.

I’d Like to Thank
the Academy

Okay, you’ve listened to my spiel on respecting the Earth. I guess I can get off my soapbox now. :)

In tune with what I said before, I want to thank my readers for their attention, for reading my geeky geological info each month, and enjoying the magickal & healing properties of our Earth’s treasures. I am honored to write about the wisdom of the Crystal People. I am honored to be a talented spiritual artist. And I am honored you let me share it all with you.

I want to thank each one of the owners/proprietors/participants mentioned in the links above for their wonderful work, loving energy, and powerful knowledge.

Also: Genevieve, Julia, June, Karen, Laura, Marcy & Pete, Pat, Roxanne, Storm, and Val thanks to each one of you for your friendship, wisdom, kindness, and energy. (Names listed in alphabetical order only...hee...hee...hee...)

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